First Sentence: It was a peaceful night at the Brunetti home, and dinner progressed in harmony
Guido Brunetti is asked by his boss to look into a minor violation
possibly being committed by his future daughter-in-law. But it is
Brunetti’s wife’s request that has more significance. The handicapped
man at their dry cleaner has died of an apparent suicide and she feels
it’s sad that no one knew anything about him. As Brunetti begins to
investigate, he finds the man has no recorded history of being alive and
the mother refuses to speak to the police but claims his papers were
stolen. Who really was this man, and who might have wanted him dead.
has a way of describing things so you clearly see them and so you feel
the emotions of the characters. It’s lovely when an author doesn’t
assume the reader has been following the series from the beginning.
Leon starts off with an excellent introduction to Brunetti and his
The characters are fully developed and what truly bring
the books to life. How refreshing to have a protagonist who works well
with his colleagues and empathetic to those around him. He understands
the idiosyncrasies of Italian law and politics…"Upstairs, Brunetti
opened the online pages of Il Fatto Quotidiano, a newspaper which often
delighted him by its manifest distrust of every political party, every
politician, and every religious leader.", yet does his best to do his
job, often with the help of Signorina Elettra, "...a buccaneer utterly
without respect for rules or regulations." He also has a close, loving
and intelligent family who love to eat good food, the descriptions of
which are mouth-watering.
Leon not only writes dialogue with
subtle humor, but she asks philosophical questions that make you think.
She is an intelligent writer who uses thoughts well…”Here he was again,
assuming that what he thought was what other people must surely think;
that his judgments must have universal validity.” She does,
occasionally, send the reader searching out a dictionary. Her simple
observations often catch you off guard…"Poor people had grandparents; the
rich had ancestors." Her observation on how children learn is
“The Golden Egg” is a police procedural, but it is
also a commentary on society and people. Although it is not a crime
story in the usual sense, it is a crime of inhumanity, cruelty and
ignorance. The story is fascinating and completely involving with an
excellent revelation.
THE GOLDEN EGG (Pol Proc-Comm. Guido Brunetti-Venice-Contemp) - Ex
Leon, Donna - 22nd in series
Atlantic Monthly Press, 2013
Photo-A-Day: June 26, 2014 - Photographer's Choice
10 years ago
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